Our Neighbourhood
Believing in Tuindorp Oostzaan
We are located in Tuindorp Oostzaan because we believe in Tuindorp Oostzaan. As a church we are part of the neighbourhood and we believe that all the people who live around us have great potential. Our desire is to work together to become the most connected neighbourhood of Amsterdam.
Creativity, fun, meaning and unity, these things stand against loneliness, depression and brokenness. We want to connect different groups with each other to have fun, speak to each other's heart, grow, share and celebrate life together.
Many of our neighbours have to deal with the enormous economic impact caused by the Corona crisis. Together with the Red Cross and our friends from "De Helpende Handen Molenwijk" we offer aid in the basic needs of those affected by the crisis.
Every week more than 100 households from around the North Western part of Amsterdam are being served at the food distribution initiative.
If you are in need yourself or would like to volunteer as aid worker please send us a message.

Kids Club

Kids Club is a weekly after school program for children from around Tuindorp Oostzaan. We invite all school kids between 6-11 years to come play, have fun and share life together.
The program runs from September through May, every Friday from 14:00 - 18:00.
If you would like your kids to be involved or do you want to help us out as volunteer. Drop us a message.
Het Fort

This Summer, Credo Church will start a new after school program together Het Fort. The Fort is a place where we create a second home for children from families living in poverty. They come to us for two afternoons a week and follow our 3 hour program. We invest three years in the relationship with the child.
At Het Fort we work with highly educated child coaches. They enter into a long-term relationship with the child. We help children discover their talents and build a positive self-image. We offer a listening ear. We invest in positive experiences and promote the development of a healthy lifestyle.
Send us a message for more information